February Theme of the Month CARNIVAL!
Farrah Fawcett as repainted and restyled by artist Noel Cruz and as featured in Farrah Fawcett Commemorative Cover with Fawcett Inset: http://www.blurb.com/b/9284044-1sixth-winter-2019 --1Sixth Winter Issue: Life Scaled Down. This magazine features OOAK Artists and Doll Companies.
Featured in this issue: Dominion Doll, Noel Cruz, Regent Miniatures, Fashion OOAK Designer Ryan Liang of SHANTOMMO, fashions by ELEN PRIV, Antonio Realli, and other OOAK Artists Chan Sama of Plastic Guy/CGdoll.
See more of Noel Cruz's work at http://www.ncruz.com
Visit 1Sixth at https://1sixth.co
And get he latest Magazine on iTunes or Apple books! https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1451386070?utm_medium=email_transaction&utm_source=sailthru_txn&utm_campaign=prod_ce_distribution